Share my adventures of sewing and blogging..should be one heck of a ride!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

soo hot

soo hot today..need a/c....cant concentrate properly to sew or im sitting in front of fan reading blogs and what not..although I did complete pj's for my 5 year old last night..and he loved them..they are not perfect..but they are the very first thing I have done (clothes wise anyway..I did a small quilt) He loved them..wore them to bed..and proceded to "wet" the bed last they are soaking and being pics to come..the pattern however was..Simplicity 3987..for a very very newbie it was quite simple and easy to do...
Hope you all have a great day..its 90 degrees right now and I think I am heading in for a cool shower before my kiddies come home from school...chow

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Some crochet...

Camo to crochet and super easy.
white sweater and cap for a good friend who became a grandma for the very first time.
got this pattern from a magazine and it was in blue..I used brown..I love it and wear it all the time.
Hot pink mesh daughter loves loves loves it and wears it around the house.
this is a tealish color..didnt come out that well in this pic..but its super cute.
purple shorts and top with flutterish sleeves..
and my first ever attempt at baby clothes and it came out wonderful..also came out of magazine..but I dont remember which one..from now on I will keep closer track..I promise.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! My kiddies had a blast..although we..well uh..the easter bunny hid the eggs outside at 5am this morning..and we did have one just disappear. But a good time was had by all...
I havent been able to sew much or blog at all due to spring break..however I will be back regularly starting for now I am going to attempt (remember I am very very new to this whole blogging business) to post some pics of a few of my crochet projects of times past..crossing fingers..
well it went well...but...the pictures went on top of the post...note to self..either figure out how to move them or type text around them..I will figure it out...
side note..I now the pics are a bit crappy..the lighting stunk and my older camera that I used was..well lets just say I have a much much better one now..and hopefully my future pics will come out much I have learned alot about lighting from reading other blogs..something else to get down..gotta love it..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day! I thought this site was very interesting. It has the top 100 hoaxes of all time..check it out.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Leila and Ben Patterns GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Leila and Ben Patterns GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
well my kiddies are home this week on their spring I have been super busy keeping them entertained and/or driving them here and there. I have not gotten many things sewing wise accomlished..but it is always somewhere in my mind still trying to get it to make more sense. I have been reading blogs and I am finding alot super helpful and entertaining. Pictures are coming.

The Cuppycake Boutique Bubble Dress GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

The Cuppycake Boutique Bubble Dress GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome to my crazy life! I decided withing the past couple of days to make my blog about what I am now trying to concur..sewing. So really I am learning two new things...blogging..never done before although I have read some..and sewing. About a week ago I bought myself a sewing machine. I did do a little research online..probably not enough..but some..and I wanted something cheap enough but good for a beginner. And I came up with a Singer Simple. I got it at Walmart for about 80 bucks..not bad. (pics coming).
So now with the sewing machine I also got myself some remnent fabric to learn and practice on, extra bobbins, a bobbin case, a little beginner sewing kit with pin cushion..I think that was all..but remember I was going by the fly of my pants..or however that saying goes.
I got everything home and read the manual..set the machine up..taught myself to thread it..with some help from you tube videos...wish I could remember their names..note to self for future..and I practices for a couple hours with thread length..width and tension..but after that I got quite bored and wanted to jump in a start sewing some clothes...
The very next day I took a trip over to my local Joanns..spent a couple minutes trying to understand that whole getting patterns concept..then say a woman looking through catalogs..I must of freaked her out a standing there looking at her..well it would of creeped me out a bit..anyways from there I located the filing cabinets along both sides of the "aisle". Im a pretty smart cookie sometimes and I got how it all works..tah I pulled up a chair and slid one of those catalogs over to me..I think it was a Mccalls..and started browsing..wish I brought some paper and a pen..but it was a nice way to spend 20 mins. I ended up just getting one of the patterns that were out in the open on a rack..See&Sew looked easy enough to do..and I quickly picked up from reading the back about how much fabric and what not I would need..sorta..(pics of pattern coming too) then I mosied (sp?) over to all the fabric and spent entirely too long looking..Im sure employees must of been keeping an eye on me...(however I have since learned from other blogs I was normal..for most) anyways I got myself a nice silkie purple fabric and black...dang I forgot the word (remember I am new..very very new to all of this) lining? My grand plan was to sew them together because the purple fabric is kinda see thru..well I made my purchase and headed home...sigh..One thing I learned..I needed to do much much more research. I have to keep telling myself that just because I want to know how to do something doesnt not mean that I will just wake up and automatically know how to do it...sigh..
I am going to get some of my pics together and continue on with my past week..and my very first sewing project it isnt the see and sew top..stay tuned...